Is the $200 price tag ( or $25 a day fee to rent) worth buying a steam carpet cleaner, and will it help get rid of the fleas that have plagued my house for months?


  1. ?

    You must kills the fleas first, and repeat the process at least 3x to kill each newly hatched eggs.
    Then, after that process, rent a steam cleaner.
    Remember, you must also clean all upholstered furniture, curtains, etc. Get your pet’s flea problem under control.
    You may also have to treat your lawn as well. Fleas are nasty little buggers.
    Source: Been there, done that!

  2. Amanda K

    Along with the number of eggs they hatch… The eggs can lay dormant for years. Only to be awakened for no reason and wreak havoc for you again. Go with the pesticide powder. Bath your dog. clean it all up. Do it again, and again. Then try to find a carpet cleaner soap that helps kill bugs.

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