The puppy is a small fiest terrior 6 weeks old. I have bathed and dryed him and can still find fleas before I let him in the house to stay I want to be able to rid him completly of them.All help appreciated
The puppy is a small fiest terrior 6 weeks old. I have bathed and dryed him and can still find fleas before I let him in the house to stay I want to be able to rid him completly of them.All help appreciated
Pups should be with their Mother and littermates until at least 8 weeks. Get him into the vet and get the proper flea medication for him. If he has fleas, he also has tapeworms. Get his shots too or he could get Parvo.
I would get some tweezers and pull them out. While you are slowely pulling the fleas out, squeze them REALLY hard. This should be fun! Try to pull out as many as you can. Flush all of them down the toilet when your done (make sure that they are all dead before you do this!). When your done, give your pup another bath. When your pup gets older, I would recommend using Frontline Plus, Kanine Advantix, and those kinds of things. It’s a monthly thing to do, though. Talk to your vet about it before using it! If you have any other questions about your dog, I would go to They are GREAT! Check them out! Good Luck, and, I hope that this helps!
get a flea comb ,or a flea collar ,flea powder maybe a flea dip
My little darling had flees when I got her. Pet smart sells a flee collar that 6 week old pups can use, around 6 bucks. Put that on for a day or two and magic no flees. Picks also work, but could leave you with the eggs.
go and get a flea comb( wal mart or a pet store) not only does it remove the fleas but it gives you a chance to teach your pup to sit and be brushed and combed.