Whether you bought your Persian cat as a show cat or simply as a house pet, the fact is that Persians need more grooming than the average cat and that responsibility falls upon you. If you don’t know where to start with learning how to groom your cat then this article is for you. We’ve put together some of the most pertinent information you need to know when it comes to grooming your cat. Persian cats are not particularly easy to maintain, although the trouble is worth it when one considers their beauty. There is a whole host of merchandise available when it comes to pet grooming these days and you are free to buy as much as you like. Generally though, the bear essentials needed for grooming and bathing your cat include a brush, blunt ended scissors, toothbrush, shampoo, sponge or wash cloth and a few towels.

Prior to the commencement of the grooming process it is imperative that you get yourself organized. This means knowing exactly what you are going to do and in what order. You also need to arrange the bathing space and have your tools handy. Not only will this help you to perform the grooming process in a much smoother process but your cat will appreciate this as well. Cats, like all animals pick up on the emotions we emit, so if you are organized you are more likely to be calm which in turn will help to keep your cat relaxed too. This is not so much an issue if you’ve bathed your cat dozens of times before, but when you are just starting out the grooming process can be quite scary for cats as they have no idea what is going on.  Owners of Persian kittens should try to get their pets in the bath by the time it reaches two months of age or shortly after. This ensures that as the cat grows it gets used to being bathed and will not put up resistance to the process. Routine is a key element to successful bathing of your Persian cat. This means both the regularity with which your groom your cat but also the sequence of activities that make up the grooming ritual should be the same. This helps the cat get used to a routine and come to know what to expect making them on the whole calmer. Generally most owners try to get their cats in the bath once a week, although if you own a Persian you should really commit to a daily brushing of the hair to keep it free from matting.

Giving your Persian cat a regular bath is the core activity of the day to day grooming process. Regularity is the key bathing as the more your cat gets used to it the less resistant he is likely to be to the whole process. Place your cat gently but firmly in a bath of lukewarm water. Too hot or too cold and you’re likely to cause resistance in your cat or even injure it.  The water needs to be well worked into the cat before you start to apply the shampoo. Initially this can be difficult as the cat does not have the patience to stay in the bath tub but with practice things should get easier.  Choosing a shampoo may involve some experimentation on your part to see what your cat likes but generally any cat shampoo or even a shampoo with a no tears formula designed for children works fine.  Work the shampoo in gently with your hands or a sponge but be careful not to vigorously scrub. Once this is done the only thing left to do is give the coat a good few rinses to get out any shampoo and gently pat your cat dry with a towel.

An ordinary hair dryer is sufficient to use when drying the hair of your Persian cat, although you should make sure that the setting is on low as otherwise you could cause unnecessary discomfort to your cat or even burning. Those willing ot spend the money will find that most pet stores sell dryers especially for cats which are generally lower in power. Once thoroughly dry you are ready to place your cat on the grooming area and begin cutting away excess hair. The face, ears and back side of the Persian tend to be the three places where the most excess hair appears and consequently where the bulk of your concentration needs to be focused. Be especially careful when doing the ears however as it is easy to accidentally cut into the ear leather of your cat if you aren’t careful. One way around this is to slightly wet the ears making the leather more easily distinguishable from the hair.

Trimming your Persian cat’s nails is an important part of the grooming process although it does not necessarily need to be done at the same time as the bath. The problem with nail trimming is that cats have a tendency to get inpatient and in particular do not like having their paws held. Even if you only get one or two nails done before your cat wants to be released that’s fine. You can do the rest the next day. In general it’s more important to clip the nails from the front as the rear nails are less prominent and the bulk of damage to household furniture due to cat scratching comes from the front nails. You can either place your cat on your lap or on a grooming table when cutting the nails. Gently hold the paw and apply a little pressure so as to bring the nails out. Once out simply clip away taking care not to cut too much off as you may accidentally cut into the paw leather causing injury.

Andrew Paine is a Persian cat lover and webmaster of white-persian-cats.com Please follow the link for more information on White Persian cats

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