Teaching our dog to walk nicely to heel not only makes life more comfortable for us when we’re out for a stroll, it’s also much more pleasant for the four-legged guy on the other end of the lead! So, here’s how you do it.
Category: Dog Training Articles
Pet Training for Owners
There are a variety of types and styles of pet training in existence that you can use on your dog. Different styles are appropriate for different dogs and circumstances. One such method is that of classical conditioning. Classical Conditioning Everyone has surely heard of Pavlov and his dogs? Passive conditioning was discovered by Pavlov when […]
How Do Dogs Think?
Understanding how dogs think gives us an insight in to the mind of one of the world’s most respected brains. The canine mind is as fascinating as it is complex. So, just how do dogs think? As Pet Owners, We Tend To Forget That Dog’s Are Nature’s Animals Several thousand years ago dogs were initially […]
How Do Dogs Communicate?
Dog Communication: Are You Listening to Your Dog’s True Voice? You’ve just gotten home after a brutal day at work. The headache from your busy schedule would love nothing more than to be relieved by a warm welcome from your family. photo credit: theihno As soon as you open the door you hear the high-pitched […]
Why Do Dogs Howl?
Understanding why dogs howl and the meaning of some of the other noises they make can help owners to learn more about what’s on their dog’s mind at any time and get close to understanding what makes them tick.
How to Teach a Dog To Sit
The “Sit” command is an easy way to have your puppy show off his good manners. He can sit when visitor comes, when you meet a friend out walking, when you are preparing his dinner, or when he has to wait for just about anything. It is also one of the easiest exercises to practice […]
Separation Anxiety In Dogs – How To Treat It
Separation anxiety is an enormous problem in the canine world. This article discusses ways us dog lovers can ideally prevent separation anxiety in dogs or at least treat it effectively. One of the greatest joys of dog ownership is the tight bond we experience and encourage with our dogs. However, if your dog becomes too […]
Help! My Dog is Aggressive
Many natural canine reactions can be misinterpreted as aggression by uneducated humans. This is generally the main problem with dogs and their owners, when a situation arises in which the dog feels threatened his natural response is to defend himself. To the untrained eye this seems like unmitigated aggression, but would anybody with an untrained […]
How to Cope With a High Energy Dog
Energy is fundamental to the survival of any living thing, be that the fastest cheater or the most slovenly sloth. All creatures process their energy in different ways, ways that are best for the type of life they lead. Dogs are quite high on the scale when it comes to the most energetic animals, and […]
A Guide to Good Dog House Training
Housetraining Your Puppy: Advice From The Experts – House training is perhaps the most obvious example of why it’s a good idea to train puppies. Nobody wants stains on the carpet or the smell of pee and poop permeating the house. Yet house training is often overlooked or undertaken in a haphazard manner when it […]
Canine Pack Law: Understanding the Dog Pack
Pack Law: Understand It & Become Top Dog by Avril Munson Of The Central School Of Dog Training What is ‘Pack law’? Whenever there are two or more dogs together, the dogs will decide who is superior to whom. Often this is decided quickly and painlessly, because of vastly differing size or age. Or can […]
Do Dogs Have Emotions?
Trying to determine if your dog is experiencing anger, love, or any other “human” emotion is difficult. To date, no one has been able to provide convincing scientific evidence that we can distinguish one emotion from another by what our brains or hormones do.
Do Dogs Understand Human Language
A Dog’s Understanding Of Language: Trained dogs can easily distinguish dozens of different words of human speech. It is always a temptation to believe that they actually understand what these words mean, yet given the nature of their own communication system, the odds seem strongly against it. Dogs have come to associate certain sounds with […]
Is This The Most Important Command Every Dog Owner Should Know?
The Most Important Command Every Dog Should Know: “Come” is a command every puppy needs respect. Here again, control is essential. When you say “Come,” the puppy must have no alternative. Consistency in your conditioning is imperative, for once the puppy realizes he does not have to come, your troubles begin! The come is taught […]
Canine Intelligence: An Introduction to the Dog’s Mind
There are many theories about the intelligence of the dog. The majority of dog owners know that their dogs are very bright: these owners can tell any number of stories that demonstrate the animal’s high intelligence.
Dog Training Classes: How to Pick a Reputable Dog Training School
4 Things To Look For In A Dog Training School: Enrolling in a dog obedience class can be a rewarding experience for both you and your dog, but choosing the wrong class can make the experience unpleasant for both of you. If you are lucky enough to live in an area where you have a […]
How to Stop Your Dog From Growling
Dog Behavior (Growling): Is Your Dog Angry, Or Just Trying To Tell You Something? When a dog growls, it is an indication that he is uncomfortable in a specific situation, whatever reasons that may be. As a dog owner, you can observe this behavior and discover what types of things tend to bother your dog […]
How to Stop a Puppy From Biting
Chewing & Nipping: How To Curb Your Puppy From These 2 Annoying Behaviors: We all love our puppies, especially when they are being cute and well behaved. We also adore them even when they are acting out in bad ways with annoying habits. These annoying habits, however, are based on our standards of how they […]