What Kills The Fleas On 8 Week Old Kittens?

    I cant buy anything until this Thursday so I’m looking for something I might have around the house that wont hurt them. I know you can wash adult cats in dishwashing liquid and it wont hurt them and it kills fleas but can you do this for kittens? Or maybe some mild soap?

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    How Can I Get Rid Of Fleas On 2 Week Old Kittens?

    the cat that gave birth to the kittens had fleas..so then the kittens got fleas. we tried washing them in lemon juice with some water mixed in, but the next day they still have a ton on them. we don’t have enough money for a vet. any suggestions?

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    Whats The Best Way To Get Rid Of Fleas On A Kitten?

    I was just given a Kitten and a little while after I got it home I noticed It scraching itself so I checked and sure enough it had fleas…now there is flea dip, powder, collars, to kill the fleas but its just a baby. well 8 weeks they said. I need to know what is […]

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    Getting Rid Of Kittens Infested With Fleas?

    A stray cat had kittens under our house. They are at least 6 weeks old and are infested with fleas. They are bleeding very badly. I’m not bringing them in my house as I do not want my dog or house infested, but I feel horrible for them. I tried giving one a bath, but […]

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    How Do I Get Rid Of Fleas?

    I have two basset hounds who have a bad case of fleas. We have them on those chewable tablets AND topical ointments AND give them flea baths but nothing seems to work. Anyone have any other suggestions?

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    How Common Is It For A Dog To Get Fleas?

    My dog was messing around with a dead squirrel and the doctor said that the most common ailment a dog can get would be fleas. We checked the dog and she does not seem to be itching or anything but to be safe, we are giving her a bath tonight with medicated shampoo.

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