Has anyone tried the clicker for training? And does it work? Or do you use treats?
Category: Pet Questions
Pet care advice
What Kills The Fleas On 8 Week Old Kittens?
I cant buy anything until this Thursday so I’m looking for something I might have around the house that wont hurt them. I know you can wash adult cats in dishwashing liquid and it wont hurt them and it kills fleas but can you do this for kittens? Or maybe some mild soap?
Does Anyone Know A Free Website On Dog Training, I Own Two Pitbulls Male And Female?
Google “Nothing In Life Free dog training”. This is a positive training process.
What Is The Safest And Quickest Way To Remove Fleas From A 6 Week Old Puppy After Bathing?
The puppy is a small fiest terrior 6 weeks old. I have bathed and dryed him and can still find fleas before I let him in the house to stay I want to be able to rid him completly of them.All help appreciated
How Do You Use Dog Training Discs And What Behaviours Do They Train Your Dog?
WTF is a dog training disc?
How Can I Get Rid Of Fleas On 2 Week Old Kittens?
the cat that gave birth to the kittens had fleas..so then the kittens got fleas. we tried washing them in lemon juice with some water mixed in, but the next day they still have a ton on them. we don’t have enough money for a vet. any suggestions?
Can Anyone Suggest A Really Good Book For Training My Dog?
I have a Chocolate Lab. I don’t know if I need books specific to the behavioral characteristics of that breed or not.
How Do You Train A 1 Yr Old Dog Not To Bark, Dig And Check Up Things When They’ve Had No Prior Training?
I have a 1 yr old golden lab that i received as a give-away and she appears to have no prior training. She has started to tear up EVERYTHING and runs away at night, but returns in the morning. She has started to bark whenever a car drives by, whenever someone walks by, and sometimes […]
Whats The Best Way To Get Rid Of Fleas On A Kitten?
I was just given a Kitten and a little while after I got it home I noticed It scraching itself so I checked and sure enough it had fleas…now there is flea dip, powder, collars, to kill the fleas but its just a baby. well 8 weeks they said. I need to know what is […]
How Do You Train A 1 Yr Old Dog Not To Bark, Dig And Check Up Things When They’ve Had No Prior Training?
I have a 1 yr old golden lab that i received as a give-away and she appears to have no prior training. She has started to tear up EVERYTHING and runs away at night, but returns in the morning. She has started to bark whenever a car drives by, whenever someone walks by, and sometimes […]
Getting Rid Of Kittens Infested With Fleas?
A stray cat had kittens under our house. They are at least 6 weeks old and are infested with fleas. They are bleeding very badly. I’m not bringing them in my house as I do not want my dog or house infested, but I feel horrible for them. I tried giving one a bath, but […]
How Do You Train A 1 Yr Old Dog Not To Bark, Dig And Check Up Things When They’ve Had No Prior Training?
I have a 1 yr old golden lab that i received as a give-away and she appears to have no prior training. She has started to tear up EVERYTHING and runs away at night, but returns in the morning. She has started to bark whenever a car drives by, whenever someone walks by, and sometimes […]
How Do I Introduce Clicker Training To My Dog?
I found a jar llid and I was washing it and it made a clicking sound, and it clicks loudly, so I’d like to teach my dog click and treat – where do I start?
How Do I Get Rid Of Fleas?
I have two basset hounds who have a bad case of fleas. We have them on those chewable tablets AND topical ointments AND give them flea baths but nothing seems to work. Anyone have any other suggestions?
What Is The Best Dog Training School To Get Certified From? Preferably In Georgia And Not Abc.?
I have heard horrible things about ABC dog traing
How Common Is It For A Dog To Get Fleas?
My dog was messing around with a dead squirrel and the doctor said that the most common ailment a dog can get would be fleas. We checked the dog and she does not seem to be itching or anything but to be safe, we are giving her a bath tonight with medicated shampoo.
What Should I Include In The Disclosure Agreement For My Clients Who I Am Training Their Dog?
I have created a client information sheet for my client to fill out regarding their pet information and their contact information. What items should be disclosed in the disclosure agreement that can be covered so they do not come up later as a problem or dispute?
How Do You Take Care Of A Cat’s Fleas Without Going To The Vet?
My cat goes out every once in a while, and I’m not sure if she has fleas, so i don’t want to take her to the vet, but IF she does how do i get rid of em?
What Is The Correct Terms Used For Training A Dog By Having Him Pull Objects Like Bricks?
its done to strengthen them, make them muscular & fit. there is a specific name for that type of training, what is it?
How Do You Take Care Of A Cat’s Fleas Without Going To The Vet?
My cat goes out every once in a while, and I’m not sure if she has fleas, so i don’t want to take her to the vet, but IF she does how do i get rid of em?