I’m renting a Rug Doctor later today. There was a mention somewhere about making your own cleaning solution instead of buying it from the store. What would I use to make it? Also, is there something I can add to kill fleas in the carpet? Or is deep cleaning the rug good enough?
Category: Pet Questions
Pet care advice
Dog Training…she Sits Before I Give The Command (she Must Read My Body Language???). Good Or Bad?
Casey is two. I adopted her from the Humane Society. She had no training so we’re working on stuff. She anticipates a treat and sits before I tell her to. Should I do something else? Also, she has a gazillion toys yet chooses to dig my underwear out of the hamper to play with. Do […]
I Visited A Friend’s Home Which Was Infested With Fleas. I Am Pregnant – How Do I Prevent Fleas In My Home?
I am afraid to use chemicals because I am pregnant. But I am concerned that some of the fleas from my friend’s home hitch-hiked home with me… I have one cat of my own. I have already vacuumed the car and house, washed clothes & bedding (brought with to my friends), showered, and steam cleaned […]
Tips For Training A Dog To Stop Getting On Counter Tops?
We have a 5 month old Malinois, who can reach the counter tops now, and looks for tidbits. We have tried using the command “floor” and he knows it, and sometimes listens. Does anyone have any good tips for getting him not to try and rob the counter tops in the first place ?
I Visited A Friend’s Home Which Was Infested With Fleas. I Am Pregnant – How Do I Prevent Fleas In My Home?
I am afraid to use chemicals because I am pregnant. But I am concerned that some of the fleas from my friend’s home hitch-hiked home with me… I have one cat of my own. I have already vacuumed the car and house, washed clothes & bedding (brought with to my friends), showered, and steam cleaned […]
Dog Training, How Do You Stop Dogs From Chewing Furniture? Vinyl And Foam Rubber? I’ve Tried All The Usual.
I’ve got two three year old lab crosses, they were brought up in kennels and although not domestic animals are very friendly. the problem comes when they are left alone for any length of time, they chew the sofa to bits. They have all manner of chew toys etc but they love the sofa. I’ve […]
Question About Crate Training A Dog?
Ok ive never crate trained a dog and im not sure how to do it. Do I put food and water in the crate or let it out to eat and drink? If you could please help me with the basics.
Is The Probability Of My Cat Getting Worms From His Fleas High?
My 13 year old cat has gotten fleas for the first time I treated him a few weeks back he got them again and now I’m going to treat him again. Besides that to the point I know cats can get worms from fleas. What is the possibility of a cat getting worms from fleas? […]
How Much Time Did This Woman Spend Training This Dog?
Also, does anyone know if this was a Dog Show or some in between half time type show? All you dog (no matter the breed) lovers will get a kick out of thishttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqbVbPvlD… .
Non Chemical Way To Get Rid Of Fleas?
Is there an environmentally friendly way to get rid of fleas in the house OTHER than getting rid of the cats? I vacuum clean every day and brush the cats every day. But it has not worked.
Is Training Shiba Inu Puppies With The Dog Whisper Method Recommended?
My fiancee and I just got a Shiba Inu Puppy and we were looking for the best ways to train our puppy to his new environment. Shibas are very agressive and stubborn animals so we want to know what’s the best way to approach his training. I heard alot about doing the dog whisperer method […]
What Are Some Good Ways/tips To House Training A Dog?
She’s a 15 month old pomeranian-****-zu mix, I really could use some help. This is ridiculous, we bought her off of someone a week ago and we’ve tried taking her out every twenty minutes and still, failure.
How To Kill Little Fleas In My House?
Our dogs have fleas and it’s basically all over the house! What can I do with clothing? If I wash it in hot water will it be enough? also, how to kill these transparent blonde color fleas on old books?
If I Wash Things In 20 Mule Team Boarx Will That Kill The Fleas On Them And Not Damage My Laundry?
Also if i put it on everything in my house will it kill the fleas?
What Is The Usual Cost For Dog Training? What Is The Price Range?
$60.00 to $100.00 for a 6 week course, with a guarantee that they will help if you have additional concerns afterwards.
My 4-6 Week Old Kitten Has Bad Fleas. How Do I Remove Them Without Hurting Him?
We found the kitten outside, but he has a bad flea problem, we washed him today {woohoo} And when we got to his face his cheeks were black with fleas. Is there an alternative flea medication for kittens that age, How do I make it or what is it? Kitten weighs about 3 pounds and […]
Potty And House Training Tips For New Dog , Please?
How do I go about training our new family member and correcting their “accidents” and bad behaviors? Do I have to crate train them as well? It seems like everyone is these days but the one dog i previously owned, didnt need one and id like to keep it that way.
My Cat Had Kittens Yesterday And Now They Have Fleas. How Long Til I Can Treat Them?
my cat had kittens yesterday and now they have fleas how long do i have to wait before i can treat them. One of them is so little im worried about the fleas killing. How long til i can treat them and How should i do it ?
Does Using A Sweeper On My Cat Suck Up Fleas?
I have put drops on my cat from the store but she still has fleas. She can’t hear very well and now she lets me (and likes it for a little while) use the sweeper on her. Do you think it will suck up fleas?
How Can You Get Rid Of Fleas, Safely, When You Don’t Have Animals?
Somehow, we have fleas in our house. We’re not infested, but there is a few biting my little brother. How can we get rid of them safely and quickly?