My neighbor gave me a couple of purses yesterday which must of had fleas from his dirty *** cat b/c a couple hours later i was finding fleas on my cat which is an indoor cat. I gave her a bath but the cat shampoo i had i dont think it was for fleas so […]
Category: Pet Questions
Pet care advice
How Can I Get Rid Of Fleas In The Yard?
Every time I use the flea comb on my dogs (2 x a day), I find fleas. I’ve sprayed the yard with a hose end sprayer using flea shampoo, but it’s our raining season and it soon washes away. I have also used plant misters to spray the rugs and wash their bedding regularly w/flea […]
What Is A Cheap But Great Dog Training Place In Ny Queens?
my dog needs training
I’m Looking For A Home Remedy For Getting Rid Of Fleas That Actually Works. Got One?
Adopted a dog and she wasn’t taken care of properly so unfortunately I also adopted her fleas which she has passed on to my other dog and two cats. I’m looking for a home remedy that is an all natural alternative to something like Frontline.
Where Can I Take My New Dog For Training?
Me and my fiance got a new puppy a week ago but we are expecting a son and dont want Max to bite anyone.
What Is The Best Way To Get Rid Of Your Dogs’ Fleas And Ticks ?
My dogs have a lot of fleas and ticks and I don’t know how to get rid of them!
What Is The Best Way To Get Rid Of Your Dogs’ Fleas And Ticks ?
My dogs have a lot of fleas and ticks and I don’t know how to get rid of them!
How Do I Go About Getting A Training Vest For My Dog?
she knows her command as well as tricks. She needs a vest so I can train her myself in some public places. She needs to get use to crowds of people and things that goes on arround her. If you have any questions or comments email me. “please” no stuped advise andansweres. I have epilepsy […]
What Is The Best Way To Get Rid Of Your Dogs’ Fleas And Ticks ?
My dogs have a lot of fleas and ticks and I don’t know how to get rid of them!
Would Training My Dog In Agility Maybe Curb Some Of His Agressive Tendancies?
He’ll be a year old on the 27th of this month. He’s an Australian shepherd, he HATES children, anyone under, say, 9, and he doesn’t like anyone else except for people who come around to our house on a regular basis. He’s not dog agressive, though. As a matter of fact I don’t even know […]
Any Dog Trainers Or Dog Training Classes In The San Fernando Valley That Are Affordable?
Other than the classes at PetSmart or PetCo, does anyone know of any good trainers or training classes that are affordable (cheap) for puppies or dogs in the Valley?
How Long Does Apple Cider Vinegar Mixed In With A Dog Or Cats Water Take To Start Repelling Fleas?
My boyfriend and I have 2 siberian huskies, 1 irish wolfhound and 2 cats, which all somehow picked up fleas. We’ve started adding in a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in with every bowl of water that gets drank, but when does it take effect?
How Do You Know If You Have Fleas In Your House?
I have 2 small yorkies who caught fleas about 2 months ago. Since then, we’ve treated them monthly and even flea bombed our house. The vet tried to tell me that wasn’t enough (i think it was a ploy for us to buy THEIR products). I just can’t get over the fact that we may […]
What Are Some Importent Things About Dog Training?
I WILL NOT smack,Yell,feed human food besides carrotts,name some more?
How Much Should I Expect To Pay For Dog Obiedence Training?
I was qouted for $1,250 is that good?
My 4 Week Old Kitten Has Fleas, How Often Are We Allowed To Give Her A Flea Bath?
We already gave her a flea bath in Dawn Detergent. And she still has fleas, she’s still too young to get treated for fleas, so the vets told us to use Dawn Detergent in warm water.
What’s A Natural Inexpensive Way To Get Rid Of Fleas In A Kitten To Small To Dip?
My mother’s 12 week old indoor cat got outside a few times just outside the door and now has fleas. What is a good way to get rid of fleas that isn’t toxic? She used a name brand flea removal product and it was too strong for the small cat…
Where Can I Find K-9 Police Dog Training Videos?
Im looking into being a cop going into the k-9 part, i would just like some videos that show training of police dogs and stuff like that. i have tried to look on amazon and google it but i cnt seem to find any please help
Poll: Dog Trainers How Long Have You Been Training Dogs N How Old Are You?
why do you train dogs what it like working with dogs would you recommend your job to someone interested in dogs? how many trainers on here get paid enough to train dogs full time without doing another job? N this is for qualified dog trainers not people who just train their own dogs
Is There Any At Home Remedies That Get Rid Of Fleas On A Cat?
I don’t have a lot of money but I can’t watch my cat suffer any longer because of her fleas. Is there anything that I can make at home that’s safe to use on her?