Can We Get Rid Of Fleas Without Spraying?

    We moved into our apartment and it had fleas in it (we think, because my ankles have been eaten alive) and so I started wearing socks and pants and keeping my baby off the floor, and we hadn’t been bitten in weeks but just today I have been bitten twice and my baby has been […]

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    Do Dog Training Whistles Affect Cats And Birds?

    I dont know about birds, but cats definately can. Many animals with good hearing can hear it. Humans have very poor hearing, when compared to most other animals. Humans can only hear noises that are at least 20000 hz, while dog whistles operate in the 16000 to 20000hz range.

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    Is A Dog Whistles Effective In Training A Dog?

    i have a golden retriever puppy about 8 weeks old and she bites and growls… a lot. she was the biggest of a litter of 12 and i was wandering if a dog whistle is effective way of training a dog. if so please say were i can get one.

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    How To Get Rid Of The Fleas In My Dogs Body?

    I have a Japanese Spitz dog about 1 year old. Since he was little, he had these black fleas, with six legs i think, in his body. We used powder, with 5% carbaryl, when he was about 3 months old but it was ineffective. Also recently, we used a shampoo targeted to that flea but […]

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    Petsmart Versus Petco In Puppy/dog Training?

    I’m thinking about adopting a puppy or dog in summer and was wondering where I should train him/her. Petsmart and Petco both having training programs, but I don’t know which to choose! If you have any information you’d like to share, please do. (costs, effective training, better classes, anything) Also, feel free to tell me […]

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