I recently adopted a five yr old dog from my local shelter. I have two other dogs that are very well socialized and good with dogs, cats, horses, etc. At first, all three dogs got along very well. However, when i pet or play with my other dogs, the new dog starts barking and will […]
Category: Pet Questions
Pet care advice
Is There A Way To Keep Fleas Off My Yard?
im tired of almost bathing my dog averyday with flea shampoo witch takes care of the problem, but everytime my dog goes out the the lawn to do his needs , he keeps picking up fleas. is there a spray of something for my lawn to keep this insects off it?
What Is Good To Put On Outside Dogs And Outside To Kill And Keep Away Fleas And Ticks?
My pits outside are covered with fleas and ticks, and I have been pulling them off by hand and burning them, I am hoping there is an easier way.
Dog Training Tip Needed?
I am looking for some dog training tips that are relatively uncommon. Something that when I read it I will say ‘cool’, jsut little tips that will help out the average dog owner. Can vary from tips about housebreaking to common dog training, to anything else about dogs.
If A Cats Fleas Were A Visitation Of The Wrath Of God, Would It Be The Devils Work To Destroy Them?
After all the fleas would be divine agents, and who are you to stand between the Lord and his retribution.
If A Cats Fleas Were A Visitation Of The Wrath Of God, Would It Be The Devils Work To Destroy Them?
After all the fleas would be divine agents, and who are you to stand between the Lord and his retribution.
Has Anybody Gone To This Dog Training School?
I am thinking about enrolling at the Animal Behavior College (http://animalbehaviorcollege.com/index.a… and I was just wondering if anyone on here as been through their program and if so how successful they were after they graduated. Anyone else could you tell me wether this school looks suitable to start a career in dog training? Thanks!
About Cats. How Do You Best Free A Cat Of Fleas – And Keep It Free Of Fleas In The Future?
My cat have got or scratched a wound on her back, that I suppose is caused by having fleas. This cat is outdoor must of the days and nights. If I – against her will – wash her, she will soon catch new fleas next night. Do you know any ‘trick’ that I can use […]
Recommend Great Dog Treats For Training?
I just adopted a german shepherd mix around 8-10 months old. Can you recommend any treats he may love receiving during training? He likes milk bones (medium) but I want some small treats to hold in my hand to reward him. Do you know any good alternatives (people food) for when I’ve run out?
How Do I Start Training My Hunting Dog?
I have a german shorthaird pointer and hes almost 4 months old. I bought the quail starter pack from bass pro shop. It came with quail scent, a long leash, and a canvas dummy. What do I do now? Do i put the scent on the canvas dummy? Then what? Any n all info will […]
What Is A Very Good Book For Training A Dog?
One that is very good and easy to follow And if it matters any my dog is a chihuahua And where can i buy it And in how many days will i see results And how often should i do it
Will It Hurt To Mix Dawn Dish Soap And Water To Spray Your Furniture For Fleas?
I’m trying to get rid of fleas on the furniture. I know that Dawn dish soap is good for pets but what about furniture and carpets?
What Kind Of Dog Training Do You Use??
I’ve taken my dog to dog classes and I learned the “clicking method” – using a clicker to mark good behaviour and then rewarding the dog. It worked for tricks, and getting the dog to go in her kennel, but my dog also had some tempermental problems – growling when she didn’t want me to […]
What’s The Best Way To Get Rid Of Fleas On Kittens That Are 5 Weeks Old?
We have kittens that live in a shed. I found homes for them but need to get rid of the fleas that are on the kittens before I give them away. What’s the best and fastest way to clean them???
I Would Like To Start My Dog In Weight Pull Training?
He is a 5 month old European Working-line GSD and can pull with so much force my wife cant even walk him anymore. So how do i get started? and what materials do i need to begin his training.
Does Anyone Know Any Good Home Remedies For Fleas?
I have two small dogs and they always have fleas! I don’t have enough money to buy flashy flea removal medicine. If you know any good home remedies that won’t hurt my dogs and remove fleas, please tell me. Thank you! 😀
Does Anyone Know Any Good Home Remedies For Fleas?
I have two small dogs and they always have fleas! I don’t have enough money to buy flashy flea removal medicine. If you know any good home remedies that won’t hurt my dogs and remove fleas, please tell me. Thank you! 😀
Does Anyone Have Any Dog Training Tips? Best Answer 10 Points?
I just got a 9 month old puppy who needs training. My family hates her because she doesn’t listen and she goes to the restroom inside sometimes. and they said if she does not get trained soon we have to get rid of her. :[ Does anyone have any training tips? I’m in desperate need […]
What Are Some Ways To Get Rid Of Fleas?
My family is watching my Grandma’s dog who has introduced fleas into our home. We have two dogs that have gotten them, and my Mom has found them in multiple places through the house- carpet, furniture, beds, and even some of our clothes. This is very disgusting because we have never had a problem with […]
What Do You Think About Don Sullivan’s Dog Training?
I love it…I have amazing results with a 7month boxer…What else is there out there?