We are moving somewhere and the previous owner had two dogs. My dog is allergic to fleas and I just want to make sure its all clear before we head in. I’m also going to give him a capstar when we get there so any fleas that live there will jump on him and die..
Category: Pet Questions
Pet care advice
How Much Should I Charge For Dog-training Classes?
The one-hour class will be taught inside business which offers large roaming pasture. I want to teach PRIVATE lessons as well, but can decide how much more to charge. **Puppy Kindergarten -Basic tricks -Proper leash/harness training. -House breaking advice -Group socializing with people and other animals -Will take emails and calls 24/7 for assistance. I’m […]
How To Treat Home Against Fleas From Kitten?
My kitten got fleas and was about the house for 2 -3 days till I started his treatment. How to treat the home? Any ideas? Any cheap or convenient home remedies?
In Dog Training, What Am I Supposed To Do When My Dog “disobeys”?
My dog is about 10 weeks old. She knows what ‘come’ means, she almost always listens. But sometimes, when she would rather keep ‘exploring’ something else, she flat out ignores me. What should i do when that happens? Go after her? Pick her up? i don’t want to screw up the training… Also, she has […]
What Is Best Way To Get Rid Of Fleas On A Miniautre Doberman?
I inherited a miniature doberman – beautiful but she has fleas I am not well hearsed on dogs but she is great and I need a quick at home fix to get rid of fleas.
What Is The Best Online School With A Reasonable Tuition For A Dog Training Certification?
I want to be a dog trainer but I don’t know what online school would be the best and have the lowest tuition fees. Does anyone know any of this info?
What Is A Pet-safe Way To Kill Fleas/ticks In A Yard?
We have an ungodly amount of fleas in our yard, enough that the anti-flea treatment for our dogs aren’t working well. I have a young puppy and a dog of about two years old, so I want to find something that is the least dangerous to pets.
Does Anyone Know Where There Are Dog Agility Training In The Metro-atlanta Region?
i really need to find classes because i want my dog to have more fun! and i would love it if you could tell me any place that does something with dog agility training!
What Can I Use To Get Rid Of Fleas On My 7 Week Old Kitten?
I just noticed fleas on her today, i went up to petco but they said that you cant give them flea baths or use any medication until their 12 weeks. Is there anything i can use until then to get rid of them?
What Dog Training Collar Would You Suggest?
Our Beagle is currently 13 pounds and should top out around 25 pounds. We want to let him run in the yard without spending $300 to install the fence and etc. We also want to use it as a training tool in the house and when we go to visit friends.
How To Get Rid Of Fleas In A Backyard?
my backyard has millions of fleas. i opened my sliding glass door tonight for about 30 seconds and noticed there were hundreds of fleas that had jumped on my legs. and that was just outside my door. the backyard is about half and acor. we have to dogs that i have put in the side […]
The More I Read About Dog Training, The More Confused I Get! What’s The Best Known Approach To Training A Dog?
i watch cesar on tv-that makes sense, i’ve read many books on”positive only” approaches-that makes sense too. i have tried both clicker training and cesar’s way. i feel very confused. and opinions are strong and dogmatic(no pun intended) in both “camps”. meanwhile, my dog still has problems. one “way” seems to work for some things, […]
What Is A Safe And Effective Way To Get Rid Of Fleas In Your House?
I DON’T have any pets, but I know I accidentally brought some fleas over (my friend’s house is totallly flea infested!). And now, they’re biting me all over! I’m going nuts! What is a safe and effective way to get rid of fleas in your house?
How Do You Properly Measure A Black Lab For A Martingale Dog Training Collar?
where on the dog do you measure and does it matter on the kind of links on it like large or small?
What Works Best For Yard Fleas And Ticks?
I have a 2 yr. old bichon and I’m having a problem with fleas and ticks. I currently use Frontline Plus on him but I’m planning to switch to Advantix very soon. I have a him a tick collar that lasts for 3 months and I still can’t keep the ticks off. I just found […]
Where Can I Find Dog Training Schools In Michigan?
my 4 month old dog chews on things, pees in the house, poops in the house, BITES PEOPLE, shes just plain horrible. where are the schools?
How To Get Rid Of Fleas Without Harming My Pet?
What can i put on my floors to kill fleas without harming my animal? He has got them from outside because i let him(my rabbit) out alot. If it ain’t one thing it is another with this pet!
Can My Dog Still Get Fleas In A Cold Weather Area In The Winter?
I found a flea on my dog in October. I treated her and my other two dogs with Advantix. She spends about half of her time outside and we are in the Northern Midwest (It’s cold!). Could she still have fleas? I see her scratching, but I am not sure if it’s flea related.
What Should I Name My Dog Training/grooming Business?
I’m wanting to start my own business of having a dog-training & grooming place. Any ideas to name it? I want it to be cute, catchy and unique! The person to come up with the best name will get 10 points! Thanks in advance…
How Can I Tell If My Dog Has Dry Skin Or Fleas?
We shampoo our dog (german shepherd mix) every week with flea shampoo and put flea stuff on once a month. She has started to itch A LOT today (bathed her yesterday). She does not have flakes and her fur is so thick its hard to tell if she has fleas. She is scratching constantly. How […]