My dog is 4 months old and I want to make her a therapy dog. I live in ohio and I was wanting to know where a good place to take her and train her would be. If you know of any where to take her please help me out! Thank you!
Category: Pet Questions
Pet care advice
What Kind Of Flea Power Can I Use To Help Control Or Get Rid Of Fleas On My Cats?
Our oldest cat, Angel had a flea down on the lower end of her back and we gave her a bath tonight too, we we’re wondering what brand of flea power is safe to give her and the other two cats without harming them and get rid of these darn fleas?
What Kind Of Info Would You Like To See On A Dog Training Site?
I just wanted to know what kind of info ya’ll would be interested in seeing on a dog training website. I am going to be updating my webpage, with info about items that are toxic to dogs, children with dogs, and what really happens when a pet is given up by it’s owner or turned […]
How Do You Kill Fleas On Humans?
My boyfriend is quite hairy and has discovered dozens of fleas in his leg hair in the past couple days. I’ve herd that fleas only stay on human for a short while, but my boyfriend must be the exception. His legs are absolutly covered in bloody flea bites. He’ll take a bath to drown them […]
What Is The Best Dog Training Book To Buy?
I just got 2 rescue dogs a 7 month old and a 6 month old Great Danes. I need to do some training. Help! What is the best book to buy? Also for names do you like Mindy, Wendy or Tina For the Female?
How Do You Get Fleas Out Of A Home, Even After Flea Bombs And Sprays?
Have carpet and have put cats outside, but fleas are terrible inside now.
Any Ideas On What To Goggle For Free Advanced Dog Training Websites?
I am intrested in furthering my dogs training. They have mastered basic obedience and now I would like to take them further. I am not quit sure what I want to to teach them to do but they love learning(and so do I) so much that it would be a shame not to teach them […]
How Can I Keep Fleas Off My Dogs And Out Of My House?
I have 3 dogs and 2 cats. The cats are not too bad with fleas, but the dogs are lousey. I give them a bath with flea shampoo and within hours to 1 day they have as many on them as they did before i gave them a bath. Any suggestions?
How Do I Get Fleas Out Of My House?
I have fleas in my house and I need a way to get them out. It’s really hard to take my cat out of my house because he gets carsick, and I have two step children who come over every other weekend and I think that they’re the ones bringing fleas into my home. What […]
Does Anyone Know Of A Good Dog Training School?
I need a good dog training school thats in San jose and teaches: obedience Tricks, Manners games and doin their business on a puppy/ dog pad..
Can Fleas Or Their Eggs Survive On Clothing?
Can fleas or flea eggs live on clothing? I have washed everything in the place and used a cheap spray from a store. Will just washing something kill the fleas and eggs on that item?
Which Method For Dog Training Is Better Clicker Or Reward?
I have a 7 month old Belgian Malinois and I want to teach him some simple tricks. I don’t intend to make him a protection dog. I know it’s quite costly. I was able to teach him some obedience training like sit, stay, fetch etc. and I’m using the reward method and I find it […]
Can Giving My Puppy Flea Meds Hurt Him If He Does Not Have Fleas?
I am DEAD certain that my puppy has fleas. My boyfriend said he saw small black bugs on him after playing outside. He is always scratching or something. When we take him to the vet, the vet says she sees no fleas or flea dirt. I want to just give him something to be sure. […]
How To Have A Dog Training Degree Or Certificate ?
I’m a veterinarian student and i would really love to have an extra degree in dog training (house protection, behavioural…) but i really don’t know how i should proceed. Is there a special school, college or something where i can get such a degree or education? and if there is how long is it? Can […]
What Is A Good Flea Remedy That Kills Fleas Instantly?
We have a 10 week old kitten we got from a farm. He is infested with fleas so bad that at times he cries from it. The vet gave us some Frontline Spray for Kittens, but it did not work. I have tried slicing lemons putting them into boiling water and letting it sit, then […]
What Does The Bark Busters Dog Training Company Charge To Train Your Dog?
Hi. I was wondering if anyone knew how much it would cost for a dog trainer from Bark Busters to train my dog. My dog jumps up, barks when the doorbell rings, does not come when called, etc. If you could give me an estimate of how much it costs to use Bark Busters, that’d […]
How Can I Get Rid Of Fleas In My Home?
I have two cats who i have treated with front line, i have also treated my home with a spray from the vets that’s says it will prevent fleas in my home for twelve months and thier larva from hatching for twelve months. Yet i still find live fleas in my home! About two aday. […]
Which Do It Yourself Dog Training Ebooks Are The Best?
I want to learn a positive approach to dog training I can do myself.
How Do I Get Rid Of Fleas From A 7 Week Old Puppy?
I just got a new Lab and Catahoula mixed puppy 7 weeks old. I bathed him with a flea shampoo for puppies yesterday and today I washed him with dawn because some people said it would help. He still has fleas and is miserable. I rescued him because his previous owner was going to shoot […]
How Much Does Dog Training Generally Cost? Mainly For Obedience?
I’d like to know how much dog obedience training usually costs Or even where I could personally learn how to train and influence my dog’s behaviors. Thank you for helping