Hi, I am about to graduate from dog training school and I need advice or ideas for a business name. I will offer group classes, private training and problem solving and training. I will also train deaf dogs and blind dogs.
The only name I have so far is, K9 Elite Dog Training.
Bark Busters
K9 on the Straight Line
Sorry . . I’m pretty crap at thinking up names. Good Luck!
Try “K9 Specialties Training”
(your name)’s K9 training
Sorry not to good at names!
frisky business
sounds like the name you have picked is a good one I would go with that. Good luck.
K9 to 5 maybe
i like your idea or the ‘k9 on the straight line’ answer. a few of the others i have heard before.
Pawsitively Perfect Pooches?
Sounds corny.. but might ignite curiosity in potential clients. You want to have a disclaimer that you don’t have a magic wand to make the dogs perfect though.. some people just don’t get that it takes time and work, not an abbra cadabbra.
Ah! I suck at names, but I’ll give it a shot…
Bad Behavior?
Naughty Doggy?
lol, those are really gay, I know!
I think your name is perfect! Out of curiosity where are you located and how do you find businesses such as yours? I just purchased a AKC German Shepard pup and have been wanting to find a school such as yours and haven’t found one in my area. Can you help me as well?!
train that dog
bark back
bad barks
Rusty’s Doggie College
Sweet article, I just jumped across it on Technorati. You wont’t mind if I add your web site link to my web page?