My Dog has a fear based aggression problem and i was wondering if anyone had purchased Ceaser Millan’s online lesson? And if they worked? Thanks
Articles Tagged: Anyone
Can Anyone Tell Me The Best Way To Get Rid Of Fleas?
I have used frontline, k9 advantix and sprayed my house and yard and pens and there are still Fleas.
Anyone Need Some Dog Training Advice?
I’m looking for a few people who need dog training advice, who will be willing to write up a testimonial with a piture of their dog for inclusion on my dog training website. I’m offering this to the first 5 people who contact me, at no charge, as I’m just starting my website business. I […]
Help Please! Does Anyone Know Of Any Like Dog Training Collars?
i have heard about a dog collar that you put it on the dog and you can leave the dog outside and it wont leave your property. well overaalll we cant get her trained and she is a beagle and we try our hardest we do evberything right and yet she still goes to the […]
Has Anyone Ever Tried And Had Any Luck With The Dog Silencer Pro Training System? It Uses Sound Waves Instead?
of an electronic shock correction to stop barking. But, I would like to know if this system really works before purchasing. Thanks for any input.
Has Anyone Tried Cesar Millan’s Online Dog Training Course?
My Dog has a fear based aggression problem and i was wondering if anyone had purchased Ceaser Millan’s online lesson? And if they worked? Thanks
Has Anyone Ever Heard Of This Natural Treatment For Cat Fleas?
I saw something on TV, where a woman recommended a solution of water and vinegar to repel fleas on cats. Has anyone ever heard of that? Does it actually work?
Does Anyone Know Any Good Home Remedies For Fleas?
I have two small dogs and they always have fleas! I don’t have enough money to buy flashy flea removal medicine. If you know any good home remedies that won’t hurt my dogs and remove fleas, please tell me. Thank you!
Does Anyone Know Any Good Home Remedies For Fleas?
I have two small dogs and they always have fleas! I don’t have enough money to buy flashy flea removal medicine. If you know any good home remedies that won’t hurt my dogs and remove fleas, please tell me. Thank you!
Does Anyone Have Any Dog Training Tips? Best Answer 10 Points?
I just got a 9 month old puppy who needs training. My family hates her because she doesn’t listen and she goes to the restroom inside sometimes. and they said if she does not get trained soon we have to get rid of her. :[ Does anyone have any training tips? I’m in desperate need […]
Can Anyone Help Me With Training My Dog?
I have 3 dogs and one of them always wants to be dominant over the other two. When they play together, he attacks them for no reason, is there anything i can do to make him stop?
Does Anyone Know A Natural/home Remedy To Get Rid Of Fleas On A Cat/dog?
I have several animals and I don’t like using such harmful chemicals on them. I just recently rescued a kitten and he is fully of fleas. I was wondering if anyone has a home remedy or all natural process to get rid of the fleas?
Anyone Know A Good Way Of Getting Rid Of Fleas?
I just got a kitten about 6 weeks old (some a**hole left him on the road) and the poor thing has got tons of fleas! I’ve already given him a bath but he is too young to put a flea collar on! Anyone know any good cheap ways of getting rid of em? Thanks!
Does Anyone Know A Website That Teaches Basic Dog Training?
i have just acquired a pomeranian and i need to teach him a few basic commands.
Does Anyone Who Of Anything To Get Rid Of Fleas On Kittens Under 6 Weeks?
Their mother doesnt have fleas…but they do, its wierd, but we wont be able to give them away until we get rid of their fleas.
Can Anyone Help Me With A Training Method. My Dog Will Not Listen To Me Outside Of The House.?
I adopted her from the Shelter and she is a 3 yr old retriever mix. She is a door dasher and ignores me outside, pulling me all over the place. She also has serious dog to dog aggression. Please direct me to the right place if you can.
Has Anyone Used A Dog Whistle For Training?
For when they’re doing something bad? Does it work?
Does Anyone Have Suggestions On Training A Puppy With A Two Year Old Dog In The House?
I have a six week old lab mix and a 2 year old beagle mix. Right now we are training the puppy on puppy pads until his next vaccination, and then we’ll start taking him outside. (We bottle fed him so he doesn’t have a great immune system since his mom died). I’m having some […]
Has Anyone Used This Perfect Dog For Training?
Has anyone tried the Don Sullivans the perfect dog for training? This is the website I am just wondering if anyone has used it and if it has worked? Thanks!…
Has Anyone Used Diatomaceous Earth To Kill Fleas ?
I want to know before I buy any of this product. I have never had a flea problem with my dogs before, but this year the fleas have been out of control. I use Frontline plus once a month on the dogs and I have also been treating my house and yard for fleas with […]