Can anyone give me any techniques for getting a puppy ready to be let of the lead? I’m nervous about letting her off and want to do all the ground work so that when the time comes I can let her off confidently.
Articles Tagged: Come
What Do I Do If While Training My Dog He Sometimes Blatantly Decides Not To Come Or Just Walks Away?
We will be working on commands and he would sometimes just walk away sniffing something out or not respond to the come command. I tried to ignore him but sometimes it doesn’t work.
What Method Do I Use With An E-collar When Training My Dog To Come Back And Not Chase Animals?
We have spent two years exhausting normal training methods with absolutely no luck. We see the electric collar as the only way as we live in close proximity to livestock and she has chased before. Does anyone know of any trainers that use e-collars in the leicestershire area? Also, how should we go about training […]
Do Fleas Bite People And Come Out At Night?
I have a fan blowing cool air into my house at night and notice what I think are fleas flying that come thru the screen, and we seem to get little pricks now and then but I never see a flea there on my skin.
How Come I Am Still Seeing Fleas After Applying Advantage On My Dog 4 Hours Ago?
I just bought a puppy yesterday and saw quit a few fleas on him today. I went and bought advantage for him right away and applyied it to him and after 4 hours I still see fleas that are alive. Is this medication not working?
How Do You Train A Dog To Come On A Long Training Lead (50ft)?
My dog runs to other dogs whenever he is let off the lead without taking any notice of you calling him so i bought a 50ft training lead but am unsure how to use it effectively. He doesn’t seem interested in food or toys at all if there are other dogs. Any tips?
What you Need to Know about Cat Food
Cat Food Info #1 Cats Need Protein in their Cat Food The cat food you feed to your cat should always be rich in protein. This generally should come from meat, poultry or fish. Many cat food brands advertise chicken, beef, and tuna flavored cat food because they know that cats need protein and cat […]