I have an adult dog about 7 years old. when ever he is alone in the home for more than a few hours will find a spot in the house and soil it. it is typically an out of the way spot that he never goes into ( like the spare bed room) He seems […]
Articles Tagged: Effective
I Have 2, 5 Month Old Kittens. What Is The Safest Yet Most Effective Way To Get Rid Of Fleas?
I have 2 kittens, they are both about 5 months old. They are indoor cats only, never have been outside since we got them. What is the safest, yet most effective way to kill the fleas and eggs? Do I also need to fog the house, to kill any fleas in the carpet?
Are Muzzles Effective For Training A Dog?
I have a beagle who interferes with our dinners every night. He literally jumps on the table and takes our food. I’ve tried to crate train him and all he does is howl non-stop. We’ve tried putting him outside when we eat, but he howls so much we’re afraid the neighbors might get mad. He […]
Are There Any Effective Ways To Get Rid Of Fleas Minus An Exterminator?
I’m a super attendant, and have an apartment left with fleas, i’m curious if there’s an effective way to get rid of them minus calling an exterminator?
What Is The Most Effective Method Of Training A Dog?
I recently got a new pup and i wanted to know what the quickest and most effective way of training her would be? Not only toilet training (which seems to simply demand time and patients, no too technical) but tricks also? Also how to punish them? I.e. If they beg ignor them, or whatever the […]
Is A Dog Whistles Effective In Training A Dog?
i have a golden retriever puppy about 8 weeks old and she bites and growls… a lot. she was the biggest of a litter of 12 and i was wandering if a dog whistle is effective way of training a dog. if so please say were i can get one.
How Effective Is A ‘clicker’ In Dog Training? Should/can It Be Used From Puppy?
Any previous experience using one? Thoughs? Tips, very much appreciated.
What’s The Most Effective Way To Kill Fleas In Your House?
The fleas has infected my house and living on my carpet. I’ve tried vacuuming and spraying the carpet with Fleatrol, but it doesn’t work. What’s the most effective way to kill fleas in your house (especially on carpet)? Please provide the brand of the product too, so I know what to buy.
In Training Your Dog Is Shock Therapy More Effective Then Citronella Collar?
To train a stubborn dog, is it better to use a shock collar or a citronella collar (that sprays out and unusualy smell that the dog dislikes), what are the benefits of each and which one is more effective?
I Just Found Out That My Cats Have Fleas! What Is The Cheapest Effective Way To Kill The Fleas?
Also, since they just got them, will I have to treat the whole house, or just the fleas?
Does Anyone Know An Effective Way Of Getting Rid Of Cat Fleas?
Have a six month old baby and due to change in weather have noticed a few fleas from the cat, any ideas on a safe way to get rid of them, I have tried so many products in the past but every summer is the same.
What Is The Most Effective Way To Get Rid Of Cat Fleas?
They are indoor cats. The fleas came from a cat tree we bought from a store (had for 1 1/2 months). Didn’t realize it was the source until a week ago. All responses are appreciated!
How Effective Is A ‘clicker’ In Dog Training? Should/can It Be Used From Puppy?
Any previous experience using one? Thoughs? Tips, very much appreciated.
What Is A Cheap And Effective Way Of Killing Ticks Or Fleas?
Our family has a pest problem and are too poor to call pest control, or Clark. We are sure it’s ticks that are infesting out house, but it might be fleas. We bought a flea/tick collar for our cat, but it doesn’t seem to be working well, and we keep it outside. Since it’s Spring, […]
What Is The Most Effective Way To Rid Your Dogs And Home Of Fleas?
I have sprayed my whole house with flea spray, washed all the bedding, used flea powder on the carpet and applied Frontline to every dog and still fleas persist. What do I do? Thanks in advance.
Are Dog Training Classes Really Effective?
I’m planning on taking my 3 mo. old pit bull for training classes at petsmart, but I’d like to be sure if it’s going to work out good for him
What Is A Safe And Effective Way To Get Rid Of Fleas In Your House?
I DON’T have any pets, but I know I accidentally brought some fleas over (my friend’s house is totallly flea infested!). And now, they’re biting me all over! I’m going nuts! What is a safe and effective way to get rid of fleas in your house?
Are There Any Effective Electronic Pest Repellers For Fleas In The Home?
I’m especially interested in learning if anyone has had real success with an electronic pest repeller for fleas. I saw a television ad for RiddexPlus, but they don’t mention anything about fleas. I also believe that mice can bring fleas into your home.
How Effective Are Electric Remote Dog Training Collars?
How effective are these electric remote dog training collars. Also I’m finding that there is a very large price difference between the UK available products and the products available direct from Chine. Where would be the best place to purchase it from. I have an 8 month old very lovable but naughty Weimaraner. “Casperâ€. The […]