We have a flea infestation in our house, which really sucks. But here’s the thing, we know it came from the kitten. Things were fine at first but now it’s a problem. So how the hell does a kitten get fleas when she never ventures outside? We didn’t have this problem before and I believe […]
Articles Tagged: Fleas
How Do I Get Rid Of The Fleas That Are On My Cat?
My cat is an indoor/outdoor cat who has some, but not many fleas. She has never been taken in for grooming or ever had a flea dip. And she has never wore a flea collar. She’s about 3 years old. Once, we put these flea drops on her and she almost died. So we are […]
How To Get Rid Of Fleas On My Puppy?
My 4 month old puggle has fleas, I treated her with a flea treatment today. Is there anything else I can do,and how long should it take for the treatment to kill her fleas? She is having trouble eating, and I am really worried.
How Do I Know If My House Has Fleas?
My boyfriend’s co-worker came to work with fleas, and that evening he found flea bites on his arm. He vacuumed everywhere he went in the house, and washed the clothes he was wearing, and showered a couple times, but woke up in the morning with more flea bites. I don’t have any flea bites! Do […]
How Can I Stop Fleas Before They Become A Serious Infestation?
I’ve recently moved out of my parent’s home and into a nice student house which I share with three other people, when I moved out we were just recovering from a major flea infestation throughout our house. I took as many precautions as I could such as spraying my packing before I left but today […]
What Makes Fleas Attracted To One Household Member Or Pet And Not Others?
Help! I keep getting bitten by fleas, whereas my husband and son haven’t had any. Also, one cat is attracting the fleas and another isn’t. Why?
Why Do Fleas Bite Some People But Not Others?
My dog as gotten fleas a couple times over the years he’s lived with us and I’ve never been bitten, despite sharing a bed with him. Meanwhile, my roommate’s legs become immediate targets for the fleas. Does he just have nicer legs?
How High Is The Percentage Of Fleas Coming In On Your Clothes?
I have read a lot of people on here talking about “fleas coming in on your clothes” and giving your cat fleas. If this was such a problem wouldn’t everyone get fleas? Wouldn’t there be fleas in the stores and work places?
How Do I Get Rid Of Fleas In The Grass Outside My Apartment?
The dog has been treated with Frontline Plus, the carpet shampooed and treated with Raid flea killer, the bedding washed, and the dog sprayed with a natural flea spray. I think he keeps getting re-infested due to fleas in the common areas outside my apartment where he goes potty. Should I try to treat these […]
How Do You Get Rid Of Fleas In Your Home And On Your Cat?
I suspect my kitten has fleas. Not sure when he got the fleas – possibly from his old owner, possibly from the veterinarian’s office. Either way, we’re going to buy him Advantage tomorrow, but we’re still faced with the problem of fleas in the house. I know about vacuuming thoroughly and washing everything that’s not […]
How Do I Get Rid Of Fleas With A Newborn In The House?
I have an eight-day old baby and am staying at my mom’s house. I have recently discovered a couple of fleas and flea bites around the house. My mom has a dog and a cat and I’m assuming that’s the source of the fleas. But with the new baby in the same house, what can […]
How Do I Get Rid Of Fleas In The House With A Newborn?
I have an eight-day old baby and am staying at my mom’s house. I have recently noticed fleas and flea bites while staying here. My mom has a dog and a cat and I’m assuming that’s the source of the fleas. What can I do to get rid of the fleas without endangering the baby?
How Long Do Fleas Live In An Environment Without A Host?
No pets now in home. Only two adults highly allergic to flea bites. The home is without fleas except for one room where we put diatomaceous earth and sprayed, but due to storage of furniture and boxes, we could not get the poison into all of the areas of the room. We will probably have […]
How To Get Rid Of Fleas In Nursing Kittens?
My animals have all had bad fleas for awhile now. Once we noticed the fleas, mommy cat got pregnant, and kittens, and after those kittens got done nursing she got pregnant again. Now the flea problem is the worst I’ve ever seen it. Is there any way to get rid of the fleas in the […]
How Do I Get Rid Of Fleas On My Cat And What Flea Medicine Is The Best?
My cat has very bad flea allergies and I can’t seem to get rid of the fleas. I use frontline advantage but a week later I will notice more fleas. Advantage didn’t work at all on him. I have used the fogger in the house and that barely worked. Is there a better medicine out […]
How Do I Get Rid Of Fleas Around The Facial Area Of My Kitten?
I gave a bath to my 2 month old kitten with flea removal shampoo but there are still fleas felt. So I went to the store to get a flea collar but all the fleas have moved to the facial area. How can I get rid (EXTERMINATE!!) of the fleas?
How Do I Get Rid Of Fleas On My Puppy And Even In The Carpet?
We have a new 11 week old puppy (a poo-chi) he has fleas and we’ve given him 2 baths already in less than a week and have put the flea collar on him but he still has fleas. I’m really worried the fleas will get on my 10 month old baby and because she crawls […]
How Do I Get Fleas Out Of The House?
I have a flea infestation! I got rid of my cats, but can’t get rid of the bugs. I thought I had most of them, but it seems that new ones have hatched(they are much smaller than the first round). I vacuum and I sprayed the furniture with an IGR insecticide. I am pregnant and […]
Safe Way Of Getting Rid Of Fleas In The Home?
Is there any safe (non-toxic) and effective way of getting rid of fleas in the home? My cat picked up fleas and I cannot seem to be able to eliminate those buggers. I tried giving my cat a flea bath, using Frontline Plus, vacuuming very frequently, and had the yard treated for fleas and other […]
How Can I Not Bring Fleas With Me To My New Home?
Ok, I have looked at lots of answers to flea infestation problems and I am totally empathizing with everyone out there and their pets who are suffering from these critters. My question is this. In a few days, I am moving from a flea-infested apartment to a flea-free house. What’s the best way to insure […]