How Do I Rid My Garden, Home, And Pup Of Fleas?

Our neighborhood has a lot of feral cats that like to roam and sprawl themselves in our backyard. They spread their fleas on our lawn. We have a 7 week old pit bull puppy that is being trained to use the lawn to relieve himself. The training has been working, but unfortunately, the fleas come […]

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How Do I Rid My Garden And Home Of Fleas?

Our neighborhood has a lot of feral cats that like to roam and sprawl themselves in our backyard. They spread their fleas on our lawn. We have a 7 week old pit bull puppy that is being trained to use the lawn to relieve himself. The training has been working, but unfortunately, the fleas come […]

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Cat Flap to Stop Bullying

Are you a cat lover? If so how many cats do you have? Is your cat good at home? Well, Of course, it is really very easy answering such questions, when raised by someone or the other. And what would be the answer if the question falls the other way round, such as, is your […]

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