Can anyone tell me how fleas can live without a pet to live on and any suggestions on how to get ride of them. Only safe products please, I have to small children.
Articles Tagged: Home
How Can I Have Fleas In My Home When I Don’t Have Any Pets?
Can anyone tell me how fleas can live without a pet to live on and any suggestions on how to get ride of them. Only safe products please, I have to small children.
Rabbit Safe Way To Get Rid Of Fleas In The Home?
Has anyone had any luck in getting rid of fleas? One of my rabbits caught fleas from a foster kitty we took in. All of the pets are being medicated and have gone to the vet, I just need advice on how to safely get them out of our home.
Does Anyone Know Any Good Home Remedies For Fleas?
I have two small dogs and they always have fleas! I don’t have enough money to buy flashy flea removal medicine. If you know any good home remedies that won’t hurt my dogs and remove fleas, please tell me. Thank you!
Does Anyone Know Any Good Home Remedies For Fleas?
I have two small dogs and they always have fleas! I don’t have enough money to buy flashy flea removal medicine. If you know any good home remedies that won’t hurt my dogs and remove fleas, please tell me. Thank you!
Sure Fire Way Of Ridding My Home Of Fleas?
Can anyone please tell me a sure fire way to rid my home of fleas. They are really bad, purchased and released 6 foggers this past saturday with no luck. Dog has been removed from home, even brushed boric acid on carpets. Had to send children out today due to bites. Someone please help! Can’t […]
How Do I Rid My Garden, Home, And Pup Of Fleas?
Our neighborhood has a lot of feral cats that like to roam and sprawl themselves in our backyard. They spread their fleas on our lawn. We have a 7 week old pit bull puppy that is being trained to use the lawn to relieve himself. The training has been working, but unfortunately, the fleas come […]
Am I Likely To Bring Home Fleas To My Own Pets As A Dog Bather?
Hello I might be hired at petsmart as a bather soon. Am I likely to infest my own cat with fleas if the pets I bathe have them? I’m a little worried.
How Do I Rid My Home Of Fleas?
Our dog got fleas and we have used frontline plus and prior given him about 5 flea baths nothing worked he still has them. We have been leaving him outdoors trying to rid the problem from him but somehow they came in the house on us. We have bombed the house 2x a week apart […]
How Fast Can Fleas Invade You Home?
My friend gave me her dog 2 days ago. As far as I am aware he did not have any fleas at the time ( she has 2 other dogs and they don’t have fleas, and all of the dogs never have.) Yesterday I took him to the groomers and they didn’t say anything about […]
How Do I Get Rid Of ” Fleas” In My Home And /or Furnature?
I have a problem with Fleas , I have NO dogs, cats, etc. . I have just bombed my home and now I have more than I started with in the first place. I have tryed flea sprays , seven dust , and most things you get at Wal-Mart , and my local feed store […]
What Is The Best Way To Get Rid Of Fleas From Your Home?
my husband bought some couches from an individual and they were infested w\ fleas. Now I can’t seem to get rid of them. I ‘ve tried medicine, alcohol, Raid. I even gave the couches back.Nothing works. Help!!!
I Visited A Friend’s Home Which Was Infested With Fleas. I Am Pregnant – How Do I Prevent Fleas In My Home?
I am afraid to use chemicals because I am pregnant. But I am concerned that some of the fleas from my friend’s home hitch-hiked home with me… I have one cat of my own. I have already vacuumed the car and house, washed clothes & bedding (brought with to my friends), showered, and steam cleaned […]
I Visited A Friend’s Home Which Was Infested With Fleas. I Am Pregnant – How Do I Prevent Fleas In My Home?
I am afraid to use chemicals because I am pregnant. But I am concerned that some of the fleas from my friend’s home hitch-hiked home with me… I have one cat of my own. I have already vacuumed the car and house, washed clothes & bedding (brought with to my friends), showered, and steam cleaned […]
How To Kill Fleas In Home?
I just moved in an apartment & I got bit all over.. I know the previous tenant owned a cat, so therefore I’m sure theres’ fleas.. How can I get rid of em fast & safely? I have a dog & he’s stayin at my parents.. I wanna get rid of the fleas safely before […]
How Should I Treat My Dog And Home For Fleas?
My dog has recently had his hair cut and a shampoo which we have done relatively regurlaly, the person who did it for us told us that the dog had some fleas but he had manages to get rid of them from the dog but my house may still have some, the house is always […]
Are Foggers For Your Home A Good Way To Get Rid Of Fleas?
Our home has been infested with fleas. I didn’t want to call an exterminator just yet because i hear that they just make them not reproduce. Will I have any luck with the fogger?
I’m Looking For A Home Remedy For Getting Rid Of Fleas That Actually Works. Got One?
Adopted a dog and she wasn’t taken care of properly so unfortunately I also adopted her fleas which she has passed on to my other dog and two cats. I’m looking for a home remedy that is an all natural alternative to something like Frontline.
Is There Any At Home Remedies That Get Rid Of Fleas On A Cat?
I don’t have a lot of money but I can’t watch my cat suffer any longer because of her fleas. Is there anything that I can make at home that’s safe to use on her?
What Is A Good Home Remedy For Fleas?
I have a tiny dog whose skin is easily irritated. I’ve tried flea stuff from the vet, but her skin can’t handle it. Does anyone have any home made concoctions that work well to keep fleas at bay?