I just got an 8 week old puppy from a friend and he had fleas, so I used tea tree oil shampoo and drops to wash him and the fleas have seems to go away, but does anyone have any tips on how to keep them from coming back and what I can use on […]
Articles Tagged: Keep
What Is The Best Way To Keep Fleas Off Of My Dogs?
I use Frontline plus on my 2 tiny dogs. It has always worked. I moved to louisiana. The fleas are out of control. Every time I take them out over ten fleas are on them and don’t seem to die or get off. I’m resorting to spraying them with Siphotrol after walks…that can’t be good
Is There A Way To Keep Fleas Off My Yard?
im tired of almost bathing my dog averyday with flea shampoo witch takes care of the problem, but everytime my dog goes out the the lawn to do his needs , he keeps picking up fleas. is there a spray of something for my lawn to keep this insects off it?
What Is Good To Put On Outside Dogs And Outside To Kill And Keep Away Fleas And Ticks?
My pits outside are covered with fleas and ticks, and I have been pulling them off by hand and burning them, I am hoping there is an easier way.
About Cats. How Do You Best Free A Cat Of Fleas – And Keep It Free Of Fleas In The Future?
My cat have got or scratched a wound on her back, that I suppose is caused by having fleas. This cat is outdoor must of the days and nights. If I – against her will – wash her, she will soon catch new fleas next night. Do you know any ‘trick’ that I can use […]
Can I Put Anything On Their Skin To Keep Fleas From Biting?
We have just discoverd some fleas in our apartment. Somehow they got in even though our cats dont go outside. I know they can hitch a ride on humans from place to place. My question is now that we have started treating for them is there anyway to keep them from biting us. My husband […]
What Product Works The Best From Keep Fleas Out Of My Dog?
Apperently i have bought some products and it seem’s that the fleas still gets to my dog i’m just tired of waiting my money in something that doesn’t work.
What Are Those Treats That You Keep In Your Mouth And Give To The Dog During Training And In Dog Shows?
Depends on the handler and what the dog likes….sometimes cooked beef liver, chicken breast, hotdog, several different things. They find out what the dog likes the best and use that as “bait” (treats) to give the dog when he/she obeys commands.
How Do I Get Rid Of Fleas That Keep Coming Back?
Okay so I have 2 dogs shitzu and lhaso alpso and they are being attacted by fleas i’ve tried everything from Frontline to Advantage to the store brands. Ive bombed my house. bought new furniture including mattress and doggie beds. i use sprays on the dogs every couple days i’ve done everything a vet and […]
Will Riddex Keep Fleas Out Of The House?
It sounds like it will keep pests out of the house but not kill those in it. I am just wondering what it will do to fleas that get on my dogs outside when they bring them into the house.
How Do I Keep My Cat From Catching Fleas?
hi, i hve a 1 year old cat which was given to us a few weeks ago,we had it de-flead the day we got him, but it seems it keeps picking up fleas from some where, so what is the best preventive treatment?
Is It A Good Idea To Keep Our Pets Separated And Locked Up While They Have Fleas?
We have 2 dogs and 2 cats, who all have fleas. We locked the dogs and cats in separate rooms until we can get rid of the fleas. Do you think this is a good and effective way to keep fleas out of the house? And what is the best flea removal method?
What Is The Best Way To Help Keep You Dog From Scratching – Like Fleas Or Pests?
What is the best way to guard your dog against fleas?
Any Ideas On How To Keep Fleas Off Of Humans?
We’re trying to control the flea issue with the pets, but in the mean time my feet are getting chewed off by fleas. Any ideas? Oils? Creams? Home remedies?
Where Should You Keep The Crate For A Dog When Crate Training?
I am crate training my puppy she is 10 weeks and i was wondering when i am crate training her should her crate be in the same room as me when we are sleeping?
What Can I Put On My Feet And Legs To Keep Fleas From Biting?
I had a flea outbreak in my home. i have bombed, used salt and used a spray. Is there anything i can use to put on my feet and legs to keep fleas from biting until i get rid of them?
Can You Keep Fleas From Biting Humans Until They Are Gone?
We have just discoverd some fleas in our apartment. Somehow they got in even though our cats dont go outside. I know they can hitch a ride on humans from place to place. My question is now that we have started treating for them is there anyway to keep them from biting us. My husband […]
What Is The Best Way To Keep Fleas Off Of Newborn Kittens?
My cat had kittens Sat. 22th and they all have fleas now. HELP ME! PLEASE!
Is There A Natural Way To Keep Fleas Off Of Cats Without Using Chemicals?
My cats have fleas and I don’t want to use a chemical to get rid of them
How Do You Keep Fleas Off Of Your Pet?
I have an indoor / outdoor cat that I am having a hard time keeping fleas off of. I use Capstar pills and Frontline Plus, but it only seems to work for just a few days. Any suggestions?