A cat is a small felid mammal that has been domesticated for several years. The word cat most usually means a domestic or house cat, even though people used to refer this as member of a feline family. For instance, people often refer tigers, lions, and jaguars as the large cats. Domestic cats hailed from […]
Articles Tagged: Kitten
Domestic Cats And Feral Cats – The History Of Cats
The first appearance of the domesticated cat according to original reports goes back as far as 8,000 years ago. According to findings, during that era, bones of mice, humans and cats were buried mutually on the isle of Cyprus. Apparently, people then brought together with them the mice, which were unwanted, and the cats to […]
The One Simple Step To Saving Your Cat’S Life
Why would you feed your cat ‘natural’ cat food? Why, you ask. Because they are going to be much healthier than if they are fed cat foods that are manufactured using high heat. These foods tend to be high in preservatives, artificial colors, artificial flavors, and many other items that are not considered a healthy […]
The One Simple Step To Saving Your Cat’S Life
Why would you feed your cat ‘natural’ cat food? Why, you ask. Because they are going to be much healthier than if they are fed cat foods that are manufactured using high heat. These foods tend to be high in preservatives, artificial colors, artificial flavors, and many other items that are not considered a healthy […]
Getting A Bed For Your Cat
Your pet needs a place in which they can lay down, sleep, and take a nap. A cat bed will also help keep your cat from taking its naps on your bed or couch. This doesn’t mean that you have to spend a fortune or have it monogrammed, but it does mean that you need […]
Guide To Grooming Your Cat
Grooming is also a big part of having a cat. Just as you get a shower every day, do your hair, and whatever else your grooming entails, your cat needs to be groomed as well. Although you don’t need to bathe your cat on a daily basis, there are other things that need to be […]
Learn About Adding A Second Cat To The Mix
Not all cats respond to change great at first. Some will adapt right away whereas others require a little bit of time in order to make the change. Adding a new cat to the mix can be a stressful situation for any of your existing cats. You need to realize this in advance and do […]
Recognizing If Your Cat Is Sick
As with people, there are things that you need to look for in your cat to recognize if they are sick or not. Below is a list of symptoms that might trigger some concern.• Unexplained weight loss• It’s hard for your cat to breathe• Your cat is constantly throwing up• Really bad diarrhea• The cat […]
All About Traveling With Cats
If you are planning to travel with your cat, first ask yourself these questions: Are cats allowed at my destination? If so, will my cat adjust to conforming to regulations concerning pets and really be happy away from home? Cats tend to be creatures of habit and it is important that your cat can adapt […]
How Does An Indoor Kitten Get Fleas?
We have a flea infestation in our house, which really sucks. But here’s the thing, we know it came from the kitten. Things were fine at first but now it’s a problem. So how the hell does a kitten get fleas when she never ventures outside? We didn’t have this problem before and I believe […]
Elderly Cat Care
Our cats become a part of the family over time. But unlike humans, who are considered elderly at 60 or 65, cats are considered “senior citizens” at the ripe old age of 10. It is important to understand the proper care of cats at all stages of life. A kitten cannot be fed, groomed, medicated, […]
All About Feeding Your Cat
Cats are very similar to people in many ways. Just as it is important to watch what is going into you cats tummy, you also need to keep an eye on how much is going into your cat’s tummy. When people eat too much food, over time they become overweight. Cats are the same, if […]
Learn How To Feed Your Cat
You need to make sure that you read the label on the food that you are getting for your cat. Although it may seem strange because you can is a pet, their nutrition is still just as important as yours is which is why you should read the ingredients so that you are aware of […]
How Do I Get Rid Of Fleas Around The Facial Area Of My Kitten?
I gave a bath to my 2 month old kitten with flea removal shampoo but there are still fleas felt. So I went to the store to get a flea collar but all the fleas have moved to the facial area. How can I get rid (EXTERMINATE!!) of the fleas?