My 15 week old german shepherd puppy has been scratching a lot. Today I found red bums and it was like a bad rash under his armpits. Dose he have fleas? I just gave him a bath last week. If he dose have fleas please tell me what I can do to get rid of […]
Articles Tagged: Know
Does Anyone Know Where There Are Dog Agility Training In The Metro-atlanta Region?
i really need to find classes because i want my dog to have more fun! and i would love it if you could tell me any place that does something with dog agility training!
How Do You Know If Your Finches Have Fleas Or Lice?
They seem to all be fluffing their feathers. Does this mean they have fleas or lice and how should i treat it? I also have three dogs who live outside. Do dogs and birds get the same fleas?
Does Anyone Know Of A Good Flea Poison For The Yard And A Good Poison To Keep Killing Fleas On Dogs?
We had a pest control service spray our home and yard about a month ago, but now we’re getting fleas again. Can’t permanently get rid of the fleas on our two dogs which stay outside always.Have tried those drops you put on their backs. We bought that at HEB. Please recommend some good products for […]
Does Anyone Know Any Good Dog Training Sites?
does anyone know any good websites or tips for dog training?
Got A Cat As A Pet? Here’s How To Keep Them Healthy…
Our pet cats are often as close to us as members of our family. In fact, they virtually are members of our family! That’s why cat owners should know as much as they can about cat health. Here are the major things to know about caring for your pet cat in a loving way: GROOMING: […]
Does Anyone Know Where I Can Get Money To Go The School Of Dog Training In Ny Besides Borrowing?
I’m wanting to enroll in a dog training academy in ny and was wondering if anyone knew if there is any source of financial aid out there besides loans?
Does Anyone Know Of Any Dog Training Classes In Newcastle Upon Tyne ?
Could anyone recommend puppy/dog training classes in newcastle upon tyne as I don’t know which places to go to and was wondering if someone had any recommendations. Thanks in advance =)
Any Dog Training Tips You Know?
Well my dog is scared of my new dog and gets mad if the puppy gets too close. Do you know how to train so my dog so it won’t be scared of the puppy or get mad to the point it gets defensive? I mean, ive heard of training so the dog won’t attact […]
Does Anyone Know Of Any Good And Reliable Dog Training Websites ?
My family and I are seriously thinking about getting a dog, pregerably a shih tzu or a lhasa apso (sorry about the spelling) but before getting one we need a lot of info about to train it, what they eat etc does anyone a really good website on where i can get this information
Does Anyone Know Any Good Websites For Dog Training?
My dog is so hard to train I dont what to do about him1 Oh by the way his a Dashshund.
Does Anyone Know Any Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Fleas?
I think my cat may have a flea problem. He was a street kitty that I recently took in. I know that there are many pesticidal ways to remove fleas (like flea collars and Frontline) However, before I resort to possibly harmful chemicals, I was wondering if anyone had any alternate solutions. Also does anyone […]
Does Anyone Know Of Any Send-away Dog Training Programs In The Los Angeles Area?
Similar to the Divine Canine show on Animal Planet. People send their out of contorl pets to a monastery where the monks there who happen to be dog trainers train the dog for a month and then give your perfectly behaved dog back.
Does Anyone Know Of A Good Dog Training School?
I need a good dog training school thats in San jose and teaches: obedience Tricks, Manners games and doin their business on a puppy/ dog pad..
Do Anyone Know A Website With Free Dog Training?
I need a great site that gives free dog training to the owner so I can go step by step so I can know exactly what to do thanks people that help I appreciate it alot!
How Do I Know If My House Has Fleas?
My boyfriend’s co-worker came to work with fleas, and that evening he found flea bites on his arm. He vacuumed everywhere he went in the house, and washed the clothes he was wearing, and showered a couple times, but woke up in the morning with more flea bites. I don’t have any flea bites! Do […]
Does Anyone Know Of A Good Dvd About Dog Training?
I am planning on getting a dog, but I’ve never had one before and I don’t know the first thing about training. I want to train it so it doesn’t end up like my cousin’s dog who jumps all over people and barks at everything. I want my dog to be my buddy so please […]
Does Anybody Know Any Good Dog Training Websites?
Do you know any dog training websites? I’m also wondering if there are any websites with high-quality clips/videos on training. I’m taking a class soon and I am interested in getting a head start.